Our Partners

Partnership with WSV

Kickstart Kids International and WSV have come together in partnership to deliver on the objectives of the Family Empowerment programme.

This partnership will be ongoing with the two organizations working hand in hand in the implementation of the project.

WSV’s background

WSV is a social enterprise, originating from work started 8 year ago by Enactus in the UK; a large global network of students, guided by business leaders, who act with the intention of creating projects that instill meaningful change with local and international communities. WSV works with development organisations to implement pre-designed business models that have shown their ability to create widespread social, health and economic impact in communities. Transitioning communities from beneficiaries to entrepreneurs and customers.

These business models, packaged into a “business in a box”, are then implemented with a range of organisations, with long-term and in-depth support from WSV to establish these social enterprises in multiple communities where the solutions are needed.

[business model photo]

This programme will significantly increase reintegration success. Kickstart Kids International will be creating permanent businesses for guardians where, in the first year alone, one business has the potential to;

  • provide over 1000 women and girls with sanitary pads, through Petal
  • provide 500 people with access to solar lighting and 100s with cheap phone charging, through Right Light
  • produce ~30 tons of fertilizer by building 14 toilet cubicles and urinals, through Roots

Visit http://wsv.global/ for more details.

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