Income Generating Activities (IGAs)
OCV aims to achieve financial sustainability as the home continues to grow. As such, the establishment and good management of income generating activities (IGAs) is very important. Farming is currently the core IGA at OCV. However, additional IGAs will continue to be implemented.
Farming at Olturoto
- Horticulture
OCV runs a farm with the assistance of various partners which is set-up under a profit-for-purpose model with the sole aim of generating income to ensure that the home is financially sustainable.
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Over and above producing assorted vegetables for consumption by the children, the farm produces horticultural crops for both export and local consumption such as fine/long beans, onions, capsicum, watermelon and tomatoes amongst others. [/read]
- Animal Husbandry
OCV also engages in small-scale dairy and poultry farming to enhance nutrition for the children through production of milk and eggs. Any excess produce is sold for additional income.
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These projects: –
- Provide a consistent supply of milk and eggs for the children
- Eliminate costs incurred by purchasing milk, eggs and chicken at market rates
- Provide manure for the biogas units used as a source of fuel for cooking
- Generate income from excess produce sold to the local community

Long Term Sustainability
OCV actively seeks out technologies and approaches that ensure sustainable consumption of food, energy and water. As such, various environmental friendly installations have been made.
- Solar and Wind Energy
All activities on site are exclusively powered through wind and solar energy.
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Wind energy generates approximately 1.25KVA, whilst solar energy generates approximately 4KVA. The power generated is currently more than sufficient for domestic use. OCV also has a solar pump with a capacity to pump 108 cubic litres per day for use on the farm. 50 solar panels power the pump with a capacity of 12KVA. The water pumped is sufficient to serve the entire farm.
Solar and Wind Energy
- Biogas
Biogas is the main source of cooking fuel for the home.
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New technology has been utilized through a surface level installation and Flexi biogas digesters made from pre-fabricated industrial scale tarpaulin envelopes installed above ground.
The system is very efficient and assists in keeping costs down.

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